Sunday, March 12, 2017

Project: Rustic Pastel Planters

Rustic Pastel Planters

My friend visited me during the week and bought me these snake plants but I had no pots big enough or deep enough to plant them in, so I made these rustic wooden planters in an afternoon to house them! I forgot to take pictures whilst I made them but basically I used 2 wide pallet planks and 1 narrow plank of wood to makes these.

Sand each plank until smooth with no wood splinters and cut into 4 equal lengths each. Glue all the sides of each one together and once dry nail the edges to ensure sturdiness.

Measure the bottom of each one and cut 3 square or rectangular bases for each planter from a piece of scrap wood (if you have any) or plywood. Seal each piece with epoxy to protect wood from water damage once you start watering the plants. Once dry nail the pieces to the bottom of each planter and drill several holes in the base for drainage.

I chose to paint each one in a different pastel colour but you can leave them as is, stain and varnish or just varnish - the choice is yours. Apply 2 coats of paint colour and once dry seal with a spray lacquer or clear acrylic varnish. Line the inside of each planter with garden plant lining material and 3/4 fill with potting compost, put your plant in and pack with additional soil. Et voila!!

I placed one in each room as snake plants are ideal for keeping mosquitoes and other bugs out of your home.

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